FRONT INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS 1. On 4WD models only, remove grease cap, cotter pin and locking cap. (Illustration 1) While applying the brakes, loosen both Driver side and Passenger front axle nuts but do not remove. 2. Raise the vehicle. If working without a shop hoist, support vehicle with suitable safety jack stands. Put vehicle in gear, set emergency brake and block rear wheels, both in front and behind tires. Loosen front wheel lug nuts. Place floor jack under the lower control arm’s front crossmember and raise vehicle. Place safety jack stands under frame rails, behind front wheel wells, and lower the frame onto the stands. Once securely on jack stands remove floor jack. Remove front wheels. Illustration 1 7 RCD Suspension 619-588-4723 3. Place a jack under front lower a-arm. Remove lower nut from front shock mount. Next, locate the three nuts at the top of the front shock. (Illustration 2) Remove these nuts, lower the a-arm and remove front shock. Repeat on opposite side of vehicle. 4. Locate and remove the nut, retainer collar and cushion that attaches the Sway Bar end to the lower a-arms. (Illustration 3) Remove the two brackets that attach the Sway Bar to the frame. (Illustration 4) Stock Sway Bar can be discarded but make sure to keep original mounting brackets. 5. Detach bolt and brake line hose clamp from the front spindle. (Illustration 5) Next, remove the two bolts that attach the brake caliper to the front spindle. Remove the brake caliper and tie it up with safety wire. DO NOT LET IT HANG BY THE BRAKE LINE. Illustration 2 Illustration 3 Illustration 4 Illustration 5 8 RCD Suspension 619-588-4723 6. Remove rotor using snap ring pliers to remove inner snap ring. (Illustration 6) (Some models may not have snap ring and rotor can just be removed at this point) 7. Remove Cotter pin and loosen nut located on upper front ball joint. (Illustration 7) (on 4WD models use a strap to support the Front Drive Axle and keep it from resting at full bind) Using Ball joint puller, remove upper control arm from spindle. 8. Next, remove the cotter pin and nut located at the Tie Rod End on the Spindle. Using the Tie Rod Puller, disconnect the Tie Rod from the Spindle. (Illustration 8) 9. On 4WD models remove the axle nut. On ABS equipped vehicles, detach the ABS speed sensor from stock spindles. 10. Locate the four bolts attaching the Lower Ball Joint on the a-arm to the front spindle. (Illustration 9) Remove the bolts and take spindle off of vehicle. 11. Repeat steps 5 through 10 on opposite side of vehicle